319 research outputs found

    Concurrent Constraint Calculi: a Declarative Paradigm for Modeling Music Systems.

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    Concurrent constraint programming (CCP) has emerged as a simple but powerful paradigm for concurrent systems; i.e. systems of multiple agents that interact with each other as for example in a collection of music processes (musicians) performing a particular piece. The ntcc calculus is a CCP formalism for modeling temporal reactive systems. In ntcc, processes can be constrained by temporal requirements such as delays, time-outs and pre-emptions. Thus, the calculus integrates two dimensions of computation: a horizontal dimension dealing with partial information (e.g., note > 60) and a vertical one in which temporal requirements come into play (e.g., a process must be executed at any time within the next ten time units). We shall show that the above integration is remarkably useful for modeling complex musical processes, in particular for music improvisation. For example, for the vertical dimension one can specify that a given process can nondeterministically choose any note satisfying a given constraint. For the horizontal dimension one can specify that the process can nondeterministically choose the time to play the note subject to a given time upper bound. This nondeterministic view is particularly suitable for processes representing a musician's choices when improvising. Similarly, the horizontal dimension may supply partial information on a rhythmic pattern that leaves room for variation while keeping a basic control. We shall also illustrate how implementing a weaker ntcc model of a musical process may greatly simplify the formal verification of its properties. We argue that this modeling strategy provides a "runnable specification" for music problems that eases the task of formally reasoning about them

    NTCCRT: A concurrent constraint framework for soft-real time music interaction

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    Writing music interaction systems is not easy because their concurrent processes usually access shared resources in a non-deterministic order, often leading to unpredictable behavior. Using Pure Data (Pure Data) and Max/MSP, it is possible to program concurrency; however, it is difficult to synchronize processes based on multiple criteria. Process calculi such as the Non-deterministic Timed Concurrent Constraint (ntcc) calculus, overcome that problem by representing, declaratively, the synchronization of multiple criteria as constraints. In this article, we propose the framework Ntccrt, as a new alternative to manage concurrency in Pure Data and Max/MSP. Ntccrt is a real-time capable interpreter for ntcc. Using Ntccrt binary plugins in Pure Data, we executed models for machine improvisation and signal processing. We also analyzed two case studies: one of a machine improvisation system and one of a signal processing system. We found out that performance of both case studies is compatible with soft real-time music interaction; it means, a musician can interact with Ntccrt without noticeable delays during the interaction

    Modeling Cellular Signaling Systems: An Abstraction-Refinement Approach

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    International audienceThe molecular mechanisms of cell communication with the environment involve many concurrent processes governing dynamically the cell function. This concurrent behavior makes traditional methods, such as differential equations, unsatisfactory as a modeling strategy since they do not scale well when a more detailed view of the system is required. Concurrent Constraint Programming (CCP) is a declarative model of concurrency closely related to logic for specifying reactive systems, i.e., systems that continuously react with the environment. Agents in CCP interact by telling and asking information represented as constraints (e.g., x > 42). In this paper we describe a modeling strategy for cellular signaling systems based on a temporal and probabilistic extension of CCP. Starting from an abstract model, we build refinements adding further details coming from experimentation or abstract assumptions. The advantages of our approach are: due to the notion of partial information as constraints in CCP, the model can be straightforwardly extended when more information is available; qualitative and quantitative information can be represented by means of probabilistic constructs of the language; finally, the model is a runnable specification and can be executed, thus allowing for the simulation of the system. We outline the use of this methodology to model the interaction of G-protein-coupled receptors with their respective G-proteins that activates signaling pathways inside the cell. We also present simulation results obtained from an implementation of the framewor

    Instrumentación y control de asentamientos para obras de ingeniería civil con la ayuda de la geomática

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    Trabajo de investigaciónTeniendo en cuenta el análisis de la información de los edificios analizados y ubicados en el área perimetral al proyecto Milá, se realizó una vinculación de datos de asentamientos con el efecto de las subsidencias en los datos tomados en cada control, para ello fue necesario realizar un análisis de comportamiento frente la influencia en la aplicación de cargas y desplazamientos verticales diferenciales en los predios vecinos, en donde se identificó la niveleta o columna que más asentamiento tuvo, en los predios circundantes y se vinculó con la de mayor asentamiento en el proyecto de estudio (MILÁ), en forma de Radar, con el fin de vincular de manera razonable los asentamientos puntuales en cada estructura independiente y relacionarla con el comportamiento de las subsidencias en la zona.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES Y JUSTIFICACIÓN 2. OBJETIVOS 3. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 4. MARCO TEÓRICO 5. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 6. INFORMACIÓN DEL PROYECTO 7. MARCO GEOLÓGICO, GEOTÉCNICO Y SÍSMICO GENERAL 8. ANÁLISIS DE ASENTAMIENTOS DE EDIFICIOS CIRCUNDANTES 9. VERTICALIDAD EN MILÁ Y EDIFICIOS CIRCUNDANTES 10. ANÁLISIS DE ASENTAMIENTOS MILÁ 11. SUGERENCIA TÉCNICA DE INSTRUMENTACIÓN GEOMÁTICA PARA CONTROL DE ASENTAMIENTOS COMO MÉTODOS DE APRENDIZAJE EN LA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE COLOMBIA 12. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    An Algebraic View of Space/Belief and Extrusion/Utterance for Concurrency/Epistemic Logic

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    International audienceWe enrich spatial constraint systems with operators to specify information and processes moving from a space to another. We shall refer to these news structures as spatial constraint systems with extrusion. We shall investigate the properties of this new family of constraint systems and illustrate their applications. From a computational point of view the new operators provide for pro-cess/information extrusion, a central concept in formalisms for mobile communication. From an epistemic point of view extrusion corresponds to a notion we shall call utterance; a piece of information that an agent communicates to others but that may be inconsistent with the agent's beliefs. Utterances can then be used to express instances of epistemic notions, which are common place in social media, such as hoaxes or intentional lies. Spatial constraint systems with extrusion can be seen as complete Heyting algebras equipped with maps to account for spatial and epistemic specification

    Niveles de citocinas pro Th1 en orina de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    72 Páginas.Los estudios han sugerido que hay un imbalance en la producción de células T helper, (Th1 y Th2) que juega un papel importante en la patogénesis del LES. Además, se ha demostrado el predominio de genes de expresión de las citocinas Th1 y MCP-1 en el sedimento urinario de pacientes con nefritis lupica activa. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo de las citocinas pro Th-1 (IL-18) y MCP-1 en sedimento urinario de pacientes con LES. Nuestros resultados confirman observaciones previamente mencionadas, donde hubo elevación de los niveles de MCP-1 en sedimento urinario en pacientes con nefritis lupica, además esta es la primera vez que se medió las citocinas pro Th1 (IL-18) en orina, encontrando elevación en este mismo grupo de pacientes


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